The Men's Room

Yes, I know a nightcap is a “sometimes” much needed drink before bed…

But,  you know our faces need a much needed drink from time to time as well. Especially, since the cold air has apparently no interest in leaving any time soon.

So let’s make a toast to an Australian night cream that gets the job done!

Eyre BioBotanics Omega Complex Night Cream is packed with Omega – 3,6,7 & 9.

  • Omega 3 – is an essential nutrient that the human body cannot manufacture and is vital to healthy cell function.
  • Omega 6 – has the ability to permeate skin and thereby nourish cells directly to keep it soft and supple.
  • Omega 7 – is a rare fatty acid that boosts moisture levels and fights premature aging.
  • Omega 9 – is readily absorbed and can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines.

Amazing right?… That’s enough Omega power for you to never, EVER, look like you’ve just woken up!

So give it a try and let me know what you think!

[xrr rating=4.0/5]

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