There’s always a lot of back-&-forth about which is the better option for the skin after a shave. Is it the aftershave balm? Or, the cologne aftershave splashes? Here’s a video on what my thoughts are on this topic. Whether you agree, disagree, or simply found the video informative, let me know in the comments section. It would be great to hear your feedback!
I love the balm myself. It’s really a toss up though.
What balms do you use or recommend?
There are quite a few that I like! Here are 3 – Village Barber Aftershave Balm, 3-in-1 Post Shave by Lab Series, Aftershave Hydrator by Menaji
I liked the video. Are there any advantages for the skin using the splash or is it primarily used for it’s scent?
The burning feeling is that a good sign?
Great question Eric! There are a few non-cologne splashes that actually aid in the healing process when used in conjunction with you aftershave balm. However, the splashes on the market with fragrance are typically high in alcohol content and usually burn and dry-out the skin. Those should not be applied to a freshly shaved face. Thanks for the question!