The Men's Room


Experts in hair-loss?

Experts in hair-loss?

I found a blog that is strictly focused on hair-loss prevention (for both men and women).  This may be an added resource to many of you who wrote in, requesting further information on this topic.  Here it is…best of luck! [...]

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Hair Loss Prevention Tips

Hair Loss Prevention Tips

Did you know that thinning hair can also be associated with a poor diet?  Well, if losing your hair is something you are concerned about here are 5 hair loss prevention tips to help you counter the effects of going bald. Diet– An unbalanced diet can weaken hair follicles because your body is not getting the [...]

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Shave my what!?!?

Shave my what!?!?

So Gillette, has launched a video campaign that shows you how and why to shave certain body parts.  The head, chest, back, armpits and…the groin area?!? This is a big leap for a “corporate” shaving company (the groin video that is).  But, research has shown that more and more women want men to shave um…down there! All the videos [...]

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