The Men's Room

Double-Down And Use An A/S Balm

handPOSTThe A/S (aftershave) balm, is just as important to your face a shave cream is to shaving!  

Because your face can be dry and irritated from shaving even more so in the winter months, the A/S balm is used to calm, moisturize and heal dry/irritated skin from the aggressive nature of shaving. Aftershave balms help prepare the face for future shaves by speeding up the skin’s healing process. Simply put, you just can’t go without it!

The grooming market has tons of after shaves balms to choose from. But, making your grooming life easier is what I aim to do! Here are my favorite A/S balms that I always keep not only for me, but for my clients as well! — Top 5 Aftershave Balms!

**Side note: With the healing benefits of Burke Avenue’s – Moisturizing Shave Cream (shameless plug), an A/S balm will be twice as effective in optimizing your face for the next day’s shave!

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