The Men's Room


Cleaner hair at at a great price!

Cleaner hair at at a great price!

    Aveeno Active Naturals (Nourish + Moisturize) Shampoo & Conditioner [xrr rating=4.75/5] [...]

Hair, Product of the Month 0

Sideburns… Make ’em work!

Sideburns… Make ’em work!

For the past few months, I’ve noticed a resurgence of sideburns in ads, TV and on the street. And, I’m sure my “How To“ on how to grow a pair have helped… ok, maybe not! Either way, I’ve seen some interesting attempts (to say the least…) of guys really trying their hardest to get ‘burns [...]

Hair 3

The #1 “Rule of Thumb” when coloring your hair.

The #1 “Rule of Thumb” when coloring your hair.

Just the other day, I was visiting a men’s hair salon and noticed a man getting his hair highlighted. At first, I thought of it as “no-biggie” because I’ve seen this plenty of times. But then, I took notice of the number of foils (aluminum strips used to isolate the hair lightening chemical) he had in his hair and thought… [...]

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New Hair Trends: Hairstyles with height… Will your face shape work?

New Hair Trends: Hairstyles with height… Will your face shape work?

More and more men are taking on hairstyles that were once very popular 20+ years ago… Styles that made a statement and also separated those who wore these styles from the pack. No I’m not talking about the styles that made the Mad Men TV show “that much” more popular. I’m talking about the styles [...]

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Hair products. Keep it simple!

Hair products. Keep it simple!

  I get asked this question all of the time… “When it comes to products, what are the bare essentials I need for my hair?’ My answer is simple. To keep your hair groomed, you need at least three products, minimum: shampoo, conditioner, and one of four hair products: grooming cream, pomade, styling paste, or [...]

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“How long has it been since…

“How long has it been since…

…your last haircut?”  Sound familiar? I’m sure a barber has asked you this question once or twice in your lifetime, and for good reason! It’s how we gauge how short we should cut your hair. You see, the average person’s hair grows approximately 1/2″ per month. So the best way to get your barber to give you a haircut closest [...]

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What’s the biggest mistake guys make when getting their hair cut?

What’s the biggest mistake guys make when getting their hair cut?

“I would have to say that the biggest mistake guys make is that they assume that a random haircut found in a magazine clipping will automatically look good on them.”  We as men tend to be pretty casual when it comes to our hair and how it may potentially affect our overall appearance. To see [...]

Hair 1

Scrub the scalp… that’ll do the trick!

Scrub the scalp… that’ll do the trick!

If you’re a person that constantly deals with dull hair and flaky product build-up, here’s a great remedy: exfoliate the scalp! You see, styling products lead to build-up on the scalp, making the hair dull and hard to style.  Exfoliating the scalp removes debris, unplugs clogged follicles, and gets rid of excess sebum and dead skin. This practice increases [...]

Hair 0

Stop the gray?

Stop the gray?

Just yesterday I was talking to one of my clients about gray hair and a particular myth surrounding it. You know, the one about plucking one and then two appearing (which is false by the way, see here)! Anyway, he asked me a question about gray hair that got me thinking… He said- “Is there a [...]

Hair 4

The Academy Awards – A grooming collaboration

The Academy Awards – A grooming collaboration

This year I thought I’d try something different… I decided to solicit the help of a few of my barber and men’s grooming colleagues to critique hairstyles that stood out to them  at the Oscars. The goal is to show you (my readers) today’s more popular styles, and how to achieve them at home. So keep an [...]

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