The Men's Room


Do black men need their own shaving products?

Do black men need their own shaving products?

I get asked this question a lot, and for good reason! Men of color are always in search of finding a solution to the ever growing problem of ingrown hairs and darkened complexions from shaving. So the question is definitely warranted! Is there a perfect product that will make these woes disappear? Unfortunately, no. But the answer [...]

Shaving 7

With the grain first. And here’s why!

With the grain first. And here’s why!

If you’ve read any of my shaving articles and tips, you will know that I am a strong proponent of wet-shaving with the grain first. So being that I feel so strongly about this, it is only right that I explain my reasoning. The benefits- A close shave  with a significantly lower chance of shaving irritation. Why? Because the [...]

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How often should I change my blade?

How often should I change my blade?

Here’s is the 4th video installment in my “Questions from you.“ – series. Take a look, and then visit my YouTube channel to see more! [...]

Shaving 0

Whoa!… Take it easy!

Whoa!… Take it easy!

Whenever I’m in the gym locker-room, it never ceases to amaze me how aggressive many men are when shaving. Many times, I see guys attacking their faces with their razors as if their beards were fighting back! And if I hang out long enough, you know what I see next?  Red splotchy faces, with toilet paper “freckles” everywhere. [...]

Shaving 0

I always get ingrown hairs. Should I swap my razor for one of those depilatories?

I always get ingrown hairs. Should I swap my razor for one of those depilatories?

Well, I wouldn’t give up on shaving so quickly. I’ve personally noticed that once someone has learned the proper way to shave his face with a razor, all irritations typically subside. Depilatories (i.e. Magic Shave, Nair…) can be a great hair-removal alternative for some, but I’ve consulted with men who have experienced nightmares with their use, [...]

Shaving 6

In shaving, there is no “middle” without…

In shaving, there is no “middle” without…

I’d love to sit here and say that I am preaching to the choir, but I know that there are a lot of men out there that still need to be reached. So let me be the first to say that I will not stop talking about proper shaving practices, until every man truly understands [...]

Shaving 2

Does shaving daily cause shaving bumps?

Does shaving daily cause shaving bumps?

Many men believe that the best way to prevent shaving bumps is to let the skin rest for several days between shaves, but this isn’t the solution for preventing shaving bumps. So the short answer is … no, shaving daily does not cause shaving bumps. You can rest your skin as long as you’d like, [...]

Shaving 2

How do I shave?… Great question!

How do I shave?… Great question!

I get emails from time to time asking me if I truly follow the steps that I have on my website (Craig the Barber’s Quick & Classic Shaving Tips). My answer… Yes, I always follow these steps!  Why? Not only do these steps work, but they work well. You know,  we should all take time to consider pushing the reset [...]

Shaving 2

Just ’cause your Dad used it…

Just ’cause your Dad used it…

You know, there’s evolution in just about everything, and the world of shaving is no exception. Take a look at shaving creams as an example, and it goes without saying that we’ve definitely seen tons of improvement! But with that being said, I’d have to admit that when it comes to shave foams, I truly prefer [...]

Shaving 4

A mirror that (really) works in the shower!

A mirror that (really) works in the shower!

    The truly fog-free shave mirror by The Shave Well Company [xrr rating=5/5] [...]

Product of the Month, Shaving 5